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Praying In Mosque


Learn About Islam and Muslims

Our mission is to educate and raise awareness about the rich traditions of Islam and provide a diverse set of views from Muslim and non-Muslim literature and scholarship.

A 2015 Pew Research Center study found that Islam is the fastest growing religion and that the number of Muslims is projected to grow from 1.6 billion or 23% of the global population in 2010 to 2.8 billion by 2050.


Book of the Month

The Battle for God by Karen Armstrong

In our supposedly secular age governed by reason and technology, fundamentalism has emerged as an overwhelming force in every major world religion. Why? This is the fascinating, disturbing question that bestselling author Karen Armstrong addresses in her brilliant new book The Battle for God. Writing with the broad perspective and deep understanding of human spirituality that won huge audiences for A History of God, Armstrong illuminates the spread of militant piety as a phenomenon peculiar to our moment in history.

Contrary to popular belief, fundamentalism is not a throwback to some ancient form of religion but rather a response to the spiritual crisis of the modern world. As Armstrong argues, the collapse of a piety rooted in myth and cult during the Renaissance forced people of faith to grasp for new ways of being religious--and fundamentalism was born. Armstrong focuses here on three fundamentalist movements: Protestant fundamentalism in America, Jewish fundamentalism in Israel, and Islamic fundamentalism in Egypt and Iran--exploring how each has developed its own unique way of combating the assaults of modernity.

Blending history, sociology, and spirituality, The Battle for God is a compelling and compassionate study of a radical form of religious expression that is critically shaping the course of world history.

Fortune Telling Cards

The Story Behind This Movement

Address Islamophobia Through Education and Engagement

Some food for thought -

- Islam is perfect. Muslims are not. Same is true of all religions.

- Terrorism committed in the name of "Islam" by misguided individuals has killed and maimed far more Muslims than non-Muslims.

- No religion promotes violence. It is wrong to link Islam with violence or terrorism.

We are living in a very interesting time. Individuals and organisations are using the Internet to disseminate Information and misinformation across the globe in real time. Islam and Muslims aren't immune from this phenomena.

Mainstream media sensationalizes events to drive more eyeballs and generate profits. The same is true of various individuals and organisations that have a vested interest in showing Islam and Muslims in a negative light. Irresponsible reporting and negative stereotyping of Muslims and Islam, has serious ramifications and is impacting the personal well being of millions of Muslims and non-Muslims worldwide.

Every faith and community has its bad apples and this is true of Islam as well. However, one must not lose sight of the fact that this is a very small group of individuals. General estimates put them at less than 0.1% of the global Muslim population of 1.6 Billion. This tiny minority has hijacked our religion and is conducting abhorrent acts in the name of Islam. Like all decent and law abiding citizens of the world, we stand against them and their twisted ideology.


Reader's Corner

This section is meant to educate our readers about various Islamic traditions, the holy book, architecture and the Islamic Art, famous quotes by Islamic leaders and some stories. Please click on any of the links below to reach the appropriate page.



Lately there has been a lot of negative press and stereotyping of the Muslim community by the press and politicians. In this section, we bust some myths and shed some light on the principles that Islam preaches.

Used Book Shop


There is a large body of literary work related to Islam and its traditions. Here are some of the articles curated by our community members to educate others about the Holy Quran, Women In Islam, Charity and Humanity in Islam. The primary purpose is to educate readers, raise awareness and dispel mis-information that is being spread about Islam.

Praying In Mosque


If you are curious about Islam and its traditions, we have shared a few selected videos that provide a historical context of Islam, the Muslims call to prayer, secrets of the Holy Quran, and the fact that Islam has a lot in common to other Abrahamic religions - Judaism and Christianity.



Here are a few short stories about the traditions of the Prophets and their disciples, that show the teachings and principles of Islam.

Muslims 'R' Event - Jan. 21, 2017

Islam mandates women's rights. Muslims 'R' Us members marched on Washington to support the rights of all women, since “women’s rights are human rights.”


Understand Islam

Muslims 'R' Us's mission is to raise awareness about the rich traditions of Islam, Islamic history, and our connection to other Abrahamic faiths like Christianity and Judaism. If you are curious about Islam you can avail yourself of many free resources on the holy Qur'an, religious texts, and multimedia content in audio and video formats.

Inside Islam

Inside Mecca

Muhammad the Prophet (PBUH)

Sufi Islam

Rumi - A Muslim Mystic's Poems

Kingdom of Hearts

Research Islam

Some free resources for independent research

Praying In Mosque


Important Personalities in Islam

Man Sipping Coffee

Browse 1700+ books and articles about Islam and Muslims

Fortune Telling


Important Historical Events

Stacked Books

List of Books

A Wikipedia List

Hands holding beads

Latest Muslims 'R' Us Activities

Islam teaches us to be good citizens and productive members of society. As part of this edict, the community is very active in local charities, community outreach, and self-improvement programs. Some of the activities we participate in are listed below.

Old Begging Woman


Charity is enjoined in Islam in various forms, both mandatory (such as zakat, which is a wealth tax) and voluntary (like sadaqah, both grants and interest-free loans). Giving is an integral part of faith and every Muslim is encouraged to quietly but pro-actively help out society's less privileged ones, regardless of their colour, gender, faith... Muslim societies are known to have produced some of the world's greatest humanitarians (like Edhi of Pakistan); and a 2013 UK poll placed Muslims ahead of all faith communities in charitable giving.

Please see and


Community Service

The Holy Quran extolls Muslims to help their neighbours and serve humanity. The metropolitan Washington DC community is taking an active role in the local community affairs and donating their time and money to deserving causes.

Hazrat Abbas Mosque, Iraq

Islamic Architecture

The art of building was popular in virtually all times and places in the Islamic lands, providing places of communal worship, social service, and stately residence. The most important type of religious building was the congregational mosque, which had to provide sufficient space for the Muslim community to gather for weekly worship on Friday at noon. Famous examples include, the Great Mosque in Damascus, the Mosque of Ibn Tulun in Cairo, and the Great Mosque (now the Cathedral) of Cordoba. Muslims also commissioned many other building types, ranging from small mosques to use for daily worship, such as the Mosque of Shaykh Lutfallah in Isfahan, to madrasas, or religious schools, and commemorative structures, such as the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem and the Taj Mahal in Agra.

Like rulers everywhere, Muslims also commissioned great palaces, such as the Alhambra in Granada or the Topkapi Palace in Istanbul. These universal types of buildings were erected using local materials and forms that suited the climate and geography. For example, builders in the Mediterranean region initially favored post-and-beam structures built of stone and decorated with mosaic, whereas builders in Iran and the eastern lands built arched and vaulted structures of brick decorated with plaster. Over time, Islamic civilization brought about the easy movement of artisans and led to the interchange of artistic ideas and techniques. Muslim patrons everywhere appreciated exuberant and colorful decoration. The extravagant use of color, particularly tiles, is one of the hallmarks of Islamic architecture.

Although Islamic architecture is infinitely varied in plan, elevation, building material, and decorative programs, there are several recurring forms found in all types of buildings, be they religious, secular, public, or private. These basic components are the dome, the arch, and the vault (figure above). Before describing the different aspects of Islamic architecture it is important to pause and ask if such a categorization is viable.

Mosque Hallway

About Muslims 'R' Us

We are Committed to a Better World

The Muslims 'R' Us movement was initiated to educate Muslims and non-Muslims about the core tenets of Islam, dispel myths about Islam and Muslims, highlight the contributions that Islam and Muslims have and will continue to make in their communities and to raise awareness about the rich traditions of our faith.

Our mission is two fold: (i) educate Muslims and non-Muslims about the universal and humane values of Islam; and (ii) give a voice to the silent majority of Muslims who abide by these values and are playing a positive role in their communities all over the world.

Through works of charity, community service, and opening our doors to listen and love, we are continuing the traditions of our prophets and our faith.


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